Sunday, May 10, 2009

Protein Enhanced Water

Ants are a pervasive fact of life around here. While there are many kinds of ants, the most pervasive ones in the house are little red ants. They're harmless, just ubiquitous. They are literally everywhere. Lately they've taken to crawling up the jerry cans where we keep our drinking water.

For drinking water, Bry'Chell fills jerry cans with filtered water from the student dining hall. When the dining hall is closed we have to boil water, but that doesn't happen very often. We keep our drinking water in five liter jerry cans on top of the refrigerator. It works. But lately, the ants have taken an interest in our water. Even with the lids screwed on tightly, some ants manage to get into the water. So, occasionally we drink ants with our water.

People pay good money for water enhanced with vitamins. Target has it on sale this week for a dollar a bottle according to the ad that showed up in my email. Here, we get protein enhanced water for free. What more can I ask?

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