Lake Mburo Park is beautiful. Most of the animals we've seen in Uganda we've also seen at the zoo in Chicago, but it's a whole different world to see them in their home territory. The geography is different from Nkozi. It's hillier and drier. There's lots of greenery, but the trees aren't as dense and there is more grass--more savanah type, but hilly.
This time we saw hippos, zebras, spring bucks, monkeys, buffalo and a bunch more birds. The zebras were the best. It was cool to see them grazing in herds. They seem to be quite curious, they looked up when we stopped to stare. Sometimes they ran when we drove up, but often they just looked up and kept on munching on the grass.
I do have one cool picture of a zebra crossing the road at a gallop. The picture catches the animal mid-stride. It's a great picture. Unfortunately I can't find it, but I have another cool zebra picture.
I'll try to post it, but I'm not only having trouble posting stuff, I'm having trouble downloading the pictures. I may have to save my current pictures to my flash drive, uninstall Zoom Browser and reinstall it. Right now I don't feel like doing all that.
We drove some distance in the park--maybe fifteen miles on dirt roads--to get to the lake itself. Sr. Elizabeth had packed a picnic for us, so once we arrived, we spread out the mats on the grass and got out the food.
As evening approached, the hippos started making their way toward the lake. It's hard to imagine just how big they are. They're big and they don't tolerate any nonsense. Even lions won't attack a hippo, except from the rear and then they don't usually win.
A couple of the hippos were fighting--they caused quite a ruckus. It wasn't a big fight, just a little altercation, but with something the size of a hippo, it was pretty impressive.
There were park rangers hanging around with rifles. No one is allowed out without an armed guard, so the guards hang around the lake with their weapons in case any animal decides to taste the humans. None of them did.
We hung around until dusk and then headed back the way we came. We didn't get home until quite late. Once we got home the electricity went out. We decided the meant it was time to go to bed. We were more tired than hungry so we skipped supper.
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