Ahh . . . the joys of cultural differences. Boys in pink shirts holding hands has a very different meaning in Uganda than it has say, on the north side of Chicago, or, on the south side for that matter. In this case, the boys are wearing their school uniforms (which happen to be pink shirts and khaki shorts) on their way to the cathedral consecration.
People here hold hands. Girls walk along holding hands with their best friend, so do boys. Even grown people hold hands with their friends. It's not just a thing for little kids. High school kids walk along holding hands.
However, high school boys don't hold hands with girls too much (and vice versa), that might get them in trouble at school. Generally, it's against the rules to have a girlfriend or boyfriend, or as they say here, a "lover." Again, don't think what it means in the United States. Here a lover is just a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Since "coupling" is against the rules, few teens will admit to having a special friend of the opposite sex. Coupling can get you a caning.
Still, most of the teens have their special someone and the gossip is as intense as teens anywhere. Bry'Chell comes home rolling her eyes at the teen drama from St. Mary's. However, it may well be a case of "the lady doth protesteth too much."
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