Just another day in paradise. The setting here is beautiful with the Rwenzori Mountains in the background and the rolling hills in the foreground dropping down into a beautiful blue lakes.
We had a good heavy rain this morning but the sun came out in the afternoon, then it rained again this evening.
Bry'Chell and I went into town with David Burrell. The town is Fort Portal. It's one of the larger towns in Uganda, but that's not saying much. The country is largely rural.
David and I went swimming in the lake again. Although this lake is bigger, it reminds me of swimming in St. Joe's Lake at the Woods.
This evening the Brothers of St. Joseph came over and joined the Holy Cross guys for the Easter Vigil. It was a nice little group--with the two communities and various visitors there were about thirty people. Bry'Chell said it was the "funnest" Mass she's ever been at. When one of the guys asked her why she said the sprinkling and the dancing. David had a pretty good time with the sprinkling rite. We were all good and blessed. Then, at the end of the liturgy, the guys started dancing. Bry'Chell thought that was pretty fun.
The guys have been really hospitable. Once again, Bry'Chell is having a good time in spite of herself. She didn't want to come and now she won't want to leave.
How long are you staying for, through the summer?
We return June 23. Send me an email if you read this. I have a couple of questions for you and I don't have your email with me. Thanks.
I'm looking forward to the comforts of home.
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